First you should White Glove Transportation, also known as or HB Transit Logistics is not actually a transporter, they are an office that subcontracts to actual transporters, so when they give you a bid, there is absolutely know way of knowing they will actually do the job in the timeframe or for the price agreed, they simply start calling drivers and see if they want to do it for the agreed upon price. I was quoted 1200$ with a 4 day pickup window to move a non operable car from North Carolina to California. Before I accepted their bid I called them to check they would actually be able to make the pickup window because I would loose access when the window closed. They assured me of course they would there would be no problem, and there was no problem with the vehicle being nonoperational. I accepted the bid and scheduled, and then nothing, I called everyday trying to get this scheduled, turned out they had no drivers. As the end of the guaranteed pickup window, the last day, they told me they had a drive who could pick it up tomorrow for an additional 200$. the next day still nothing, when I called again at 4pm, they said the driver now needs another 300$. As I was already 2 days over the limit and the seller was screaming at me, I had no choice to pay.The driver himself was fine, just white glove/HBTransit was the problem. Some how they managed to not tell the driver that the car was inoperative after quoting me a price for non-operable and me telling them on EVERY single phone conversation!! Now two months later they are desperate to get my honest review down off of USHIP so they are offering me more and more money to retract it. Nope! That is exactly how it happens and everyone should avoid them at all costs!!!
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