Leslie Forsman Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc.
Review made Live: 4/8/2005 5:25:00 PM
Cosmos Auto, Inc. told us that they should have it contracted, then picked up in 7, but no more than 10 days. They bid 790 to move an inop 1970 Corvette from PA to TX.

Cosmos never called us to give us a status on our vehicle, so after a week we started calling them. They kept assuring us they would get it picked up, and we should just wait for them one more day. On day 13 or so, we called and asked what the status was - were there not any trucks? were all the trucks booked? Were we underbid, and did we need to pay more?

Cosmos assured us tht there just weren't any trucks out there right now, and we should just continue to wait with them. On day 17, with no contract, much less a pickup date, we cancelled Cosmos and went with another carrier. This carrier saw our original bid online, and assured us that there were plenty of trucks, but Cosmos just bid too low, so no carrier would have touched that bid.

In short, Cosmos never willingly came forward with any information, and when asked, refused to honestly answer a direct question. Don' waste your time with this one!

Leslie Forsman