Late, Extra charges, no Rebate

matthew Submitted this review about Classic Auto Express LLC
Review made Live: 7/20/2010 6:26:00 PM
I have two concerns regarding Classic Auto Express for transport:
1) the final price was higher than quoted, but after 8 days of waiting for my cars to be picked up I agreed to the higher cost for fear that I would not have another option if I declined to pay it since I was moving out of state the next day
2) I never got my promised "$50 rebate" apparently because I provided a less than perfect review due to the cost increase. My original review was 4 stars, but the instructions they sent after the move make it clear that you only get the rebate if you provide a perfect review "Step 7.Follow the directions on this page and fill in requested information, including an Excellent, 5-star rating and a short review."

So, while the actual transport of my cars DID go smoothly, I cannot recommend a company that does not honor their quote, and then does not give the $50 rebate they promised.

Finally, I would be VERY SKEPTICAL of the reviews on this site in general, as the rebate-for-5-star-review policy DISCOURAGES HONEST FEEDBACK.