debited my credit card after i cancelled the job

1960 caddy Submitted this review about Classic Auto Express LLC
Review made Live: 12/30/2010 5:03:00 AM
Im from Australia. I had booked with Classic Auto Express (Mike Prestia). Frustrated at the whole trucking process (at that stage no fault of CLassic Auto) I decided to go with another trucking company. After he accused me of deliberately wasting his time he then proceeded to tell me he was going to debit my credit card a fee after having told me that unless a truck was allocated and I accepted the price there were definitely no charges. He became abusive and said he would now waste my time in causing me to lodge a dispute with AMEX to get my money back. This matter will be taken further with police as he blatantly took money just because the order was being cancelled. This portrays the integrity of this man and his company.