***BAD PEOPLE*** Submitted this review about Car Shipping One
Review made Live: 9/24/2010 6:49:00 PM
I shipped threw crowley auto transport bob told me carshippingone has purchased this company when they realy just scamed so many people with crowley they needed to change there company and cancel there credit cards so people could not get there money both companys have F raitings with the b.b.b. Edwards name is realy sean Edward crowley and bob is the owner of carshippingone bob rose is not his real name it is Robert Austin two 24year old kids they do this type of work so they can take there cell phones to the club every nite and get drunk they have done every thing to me from use fake names to threten me I think you should record all your phone calls if you use any company soon these guys will change there company name phone number again and again thanks for listening I hope this helps someone