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Prices to Move honda odyssey From Salt Lake City, Utah to Suwanee, Georgia

The average price to ship a honda odyssey from Salt Lake City, Utah to Suwanee, Georgia is $996 based on 17 quotes posted on March 24, 2019.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$646.00 to $1349.00

Origin Location:
Salt Lake City, Utah
Destination Location:
Suwanee, Georgia
Approximately 1,931 Miles

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  • A Stellar Auto Shipping Co.
    3/24/2019 12:15:35 AM
    Company Profile
    Price : $646.00
    Deposit: $100.00
    Reference ID: 8709155
    About This Quote
    THIS IS OUR AWESOME ECONOMY PACKAGE FOR OPEN TRANSPORT SHIPPING 954-666-3527 speak to Michele Cooper for ASAP or same day emergency pick ups We are ready to dispatch and send a trucker over to your front door to pick up and safely load your vehicle and drop it off to your front door or place of business for a total price no deposits, no add ons, no price jumps. We offer full insurance $250k and accept absentee pick ups (noone present - leave keys hidden) or assign a family member or friend to hand over keys. We offer other expedited shipping packages in case you need to catch a flight and need the vehicle on an exact date. We are proudly licensed by DOT and bonded not to mention we ship for the USMC. (military) Please call us to confirm rate at 954-666-3527 ask for Michelle Cooper (shelly) your awesome transport coordinator. We use cloth straps to secure your vehicle and newer 2 level car carriers , no metal chains for newer vehicles and in our economy package which is the price show we include top rack placement FREE OF CHARGE too for luxury vehicles like Mercedes, Audi. Lexus. Infinity, Volvo etc