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Prices to Move ford e250 high top conversion van From COLDWATER, Michigan to SAN ANTONIO, Texas

The average price to ship a ford e250 high top conversion van from COLDWATER, Michigan to SAN ANTONIO, Texas is $911 based on 15 quotes posted on March 1, 2014.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$608.00 to $1379.00

Origin Location:
Destination Location:
Approximately Miles

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  • Car Shipping Pros
    3/1/2014 10:49:17 AM
    Company Profile
    Price : $608.00
    Deposit: $0.00
    Reference ID: 2775168
    About This Quote
    ==================================================================================================================== The preferred shipper of the United States Marine Corps For the rest of the fine folks we are dedicated to please confirm your quote at: ==================================================================================================================== Are you still deciding with what company to ship your vehicle with? Are you a first time shipper that requires extra attention or simply would like a company to do what they they're gonna do? ==================================================================================================================== Educated consumers make the best decisions and as such we are here to educate you on your move. Did you know 80% of the auto shipping industry is F rated in the Better Business Bureau (BBB)? When you don't do your research you can very well fall prey to an F rated company that does not care what happens to your vehicle or how late they are in delivering it? Select a reputable company with impeccable credentials that will be both an efficient as well as an effective solution to your auto transport needs! ==================================================================================================================== TOP 5 REASONS YOU SHOULD BOOK WITH CAR SHIPPING PROS TODAY (A rated in the Better Business Bureau) ==================================================================================================================== 1- - You have NOTHING to loose and everything to gain. We don't collect our fees up front so nothing can go wrong. NO mistakes, no hidden fees charged, just a straight forward, do right by the shipper approach. We make our money BY EARNING IT! No charging up front without lifting a finger like the rest of our competitors do. We solely get paid when we render services to you and we find you a reputable carrier with rock solid credential YOU approve! Always in the driver's seat with Car Shipping Pros! ==================================================================================================================== 2- - We focus on quality not quantity of shippers. A lot of our competitors are overwhelmed with business because they are short staffed so that directly affects you, the shipper. At Car Shipping Pros we are dedicated to your move. You are treated as a human being and not just another reference number. Always direct door to door shipping offered. We also remain open 7 days a week to book your reservation and a spot in one of the largest state of the art carrier networks in the industry. ==================================================================================================================== 3- - Who will be transporting my vehicle? Well only the best of course! We give the best, expect the best in return therefore work ONLY with the very best! 5 star rated carriers, over 3000 to choose from in our safety network all registered with DOT and FMCSA. All licensed and insured with a quarter of a million in insurance full load. ==================================================================================================================== 4- - Other companies require you to remove fuel from your vehicle, leave it at a quarter tank, deflate the tires some, even wash your vehicle prior to pick up. At Car Shipping Pros, we aim for a smooth hassle free transaction so none of this is required with the carriers we work hand in hand with. YOU DON'T EVEN NEED A TAG! Just the keys and our service agreement authorizing our carriers to pick up the vehicle, along with our low fee you approve, is all we need. ********************************************************************************************************************* 5- - We offer AAA rates, student discounts, military rebates, and of course senior citizen and snow bird specials are ALWAYS AVAILABLE all year round! Take $50 off one vehicle $100 off of 2 all in one shipment! We also price match when compared to 5 star rated companies like ourselves! ********************************************************************************************************************* We are here to gladly answer all your questions 7 days a week - 9am to 9pm EST Mon-Fri. SAT 10-2PM EST. Sit back, relax, and let the pros handle your move. =====================================================================================================================