Shady Crooks-Lies and Mis leading

Terina Bougie Submitted this review about Universal Transportation
Review made Live: 8/16/2024 4:36:00 PM
UT123 contacted me stating they wanted to assist with my car transport. The agent "Jerry" went as far to advise me that the company that had posted my car was shady and had defrauded several of his customers. He called me several times and i expressed I shared they had not been able to secure me a spot for over three weeks. He assured me he would have my car picked up within two days. I was upfront with Jerry and stated if the Car could not be delivered by a specific date I would not be able to use the service. I texted daily asking for an update and received no response. I called and asked to speak to Jerry who never returned my call. This company is the most unprofessional company I have ever dealt with. I was assured if pick up could not be made in the time frame I would not be charged. Only to be charged a 300 cancelation fee when they could not deliver. I would never sign anything regardless of what the agent states.