The Truth Hurts

Mike Truth Submitted this review about Transport Holding Company Inc.
Review made Live: 11/15/2013 12:39:00 PM
The proof is in the pudding! Check out the negative ratings this company has received within the last 30 days from Brokers and Transporters that this company has screwed over. Listed as Transport Holdings Company Inc, this company is also Magic Carpet Auto Transport. The negatives they have been receiving are for damages to vehicles that they have not paid for and they are not paying the companies that are transporting the cars they have agreed to ship for them.
Further more.... Don't believe the positive reviews on this site for them, we know they are not true just by the facts from central dispatch ratings.
Here are there actual ratings copied from Central Dispatch:
Ratings History: Negatives in Past Month 28

Don't just take my word for it.... Call some references and find out for yourself.