Eric Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 1/28/2013 12:19:00 AM
I knew back in November 2012 I would be shipping my car to Colorado. I had set up with a company that had received decent revies on this site. My car was to be picked up the end of December 2012, however after daily contact with the shipper and over 2+ months of waiting I gave up.

I contacted Bill based on his reviews and within 15 minutes of e-mailing him, I had a phone directly from him. Think about it, the owner of the company calling directly to say don't worry you have my word, your car will ship in the next few days. That next day, Bill called me with a driver on he line and said my car would be picked up in 2 days. From waiting 2+ months to having my car on a truck in just over 72 hours was remarkable.

I HIGHLY recommend Transport Connecton to any and everyone. Trust me, Bill gets the job done and does it right!