Company Response
Merritt Critcher from
Texas Auto Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/9/2008 3:55:00 PM
First and foremost, I never called him a liar. Please read my email again. That particular email was the 5th one and obviously he still doesn't understand a thing.
The original BOL clearly has the pit in the windshield marked. This was damage that happened before our carrier picked up the car. I'd love to see the look on the claims adjuster or the underwriter at the Insurance Company when this floats across the desk.
I have copies of all BOL's and this guy is just trying to cheat the system. He is under the illusion that $35k 2002 Maserati is a brand new automobile. I'm sorry it is not. Our company isn't in the business of making used cars new again.
We are a wonderful company that provides top quality shipments all over the world. We have over 300 dealerships and thousands of happy customers. We do a great job. We honor true damage claims. Bottom line is we do the job the best it can be.