Breached the contract

Peggy Submitted this review about SGT Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/11/2024 10:24:00 AM
I chose SGT Auto Transport to move 4 classic cars in an enclosed carrier, from South Carolina to NJ in April. I was told they could not move all 4 cars in one trailer, so they would divide it into 2 trailers and divide the total costs in half on 3/27 for a 4/8 transport date. I paid extra for an exact date otherwise it was a 1-3 day window. My contract stated that it would be 2 -3 days after pick up for the delivery. That was great as my movers were coming on 4/8 and we were leaving for NJ on 4/9. I expected delivery of everything on 4/10. I was told my credit card would be charged $547 to SGT, and I was to give either a $1400 money order or $1400 cash to the driver upon delivery. I had issues giving a money order to a driver in the past, so I went to the bank and took out $2800 to pay the drivers. I heard nothing from SGT until the morning OF 4/8. The dispatch told me my driver would arrive around 2-4 PM. I asked about the second transport driver and he said what second driver. I again stated I was to have 2 transports. He said he would get back to me. MY CREDIT CARD WAS IMMEDIATELY CHARGED THE $547 for the first transport.They called me back at 1 pm to say the second driver would arrive around 4pm. As the second driver was leaving he stated he would deliver early the next afternoon. I told him, no we would not be there until late on 4/9 and my contract said 2-3 days. We decided to get up at 3 AM instead of 6 to head north just in case. Once on the road I started getting calls from the first driver telling me he was in front of our house and where were we. He kept calling and asking if a neighbor could take possession of the two cars. (What neighbor has $1400 cash laying around). We got home around 5:30 and he dropped off the cars, we paid him and he left. As I’m driving north I get a text saying my credit card was now charged $647, instead of the $547 for the second transport. I immediately contacted SGT and told them of the discrepancy. I heard nothing back from them that day. The next morning the second driver shows up and drops off the other two cars. As he is pulling them out of the trailer I noted the trailer was rusted through on the right back, so debris and dirt had been rolling in onto that part of the car as he drove. He parked the cars and I gave him the other $1400 I had taken out of the bank and he left. Then I read an email from SGT stating no, I was to only give him $1300 -so if I had gotten a money order I would haven’t been able to pay him with a change I was not told about. I called my credit card company and disputed the $100 extra I had been charges, since I was told the costs were to be divided equally. I emailed SGT (Felix and Brian) and told them I would reinstate the $100 once I got my $100 back. They stated the driver said I had given him the extra $100 as a tip-not true. The first driver counted out the money and thought I had given him $1500. When he recounted, it was the $1400. The second driver just pocketed the money and left. I went back and forth with SGT for a month, they kept insisting the driver needed to return the $100, I kept telling them this was on them and they needed to get the $100 from the driver. Then the driver’s company stated he could not send cash, only Venmo.I don’t have Venmo and told SGT to have the driver Venmo them. After several weeks, my daughter told me she had a Venmo account, and so the driver sent the $100 to her. I called my credit card company and told them to reinstate the $100 to SGT. Next I get a collector calling me telling me I now owe $300 to them. I tell them no, it was settled. I called my credit card company again and they say that SGT WAS CONTACTED and had agreed I was overcharged and did not dispute the $100 I had disputed. When I got a second call from the collector I again told them I was willing to send a check to SGT for the $100 I had gotten from the driver. Again I was told it is now $300. I have emailed SGT and told them to send me their physical address and I would mail them a check. I have heard nothing from them, but Im still getting calls from the debt collector. I would NOT recommend this company at all. The do not correspond in a timely manner. When I have moved cars before, I always knew a day before who and when the cars would be picked up. They did not call until the morning of and I was not told who was picking up-in fact they acted surprised I needed two transports. The contract stated the costs were to be divided equally. I was instructed to give each driver $1400. The contract stated the cars were to be delivered within 2-3 days NOT 17 hours after pick up. The contract stated I would have enclosed carriers-not one with rusted through flooring. So pay heed if you plan on using SGT.

Company Response
SGT Auto Transport from SGT Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/11/2024 6:13:00 PM
Dear Peggy, Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced during your car transport. Regarding the payment discrepancy, you were advised of the correct amount, and the carrier was willing to refund the $100. It is also important to note that at the time a chargeback was received from you, our team was still in the process of trying to assist and resolve the case. However, as per our contract, any credit card disputes are subject to specific terms and conditions. It is stated at the very bottom of the contract, right above the signature: "The signature below also serves as my initials to each of the Terms & Conditions outlined above. I agree that I will not file a chargeback for any reason, for services provided by SGT Auto Transport." As per the Terms and Conditions, point 21, the account would immediately be put with collections if a chargeback is submitted: "21. Disputes and Collections. Any credit card dispute/chargeback received will be reviewed in accordance with the above-mentioned terms and conditions. If a dispute arises and is escalated to our collections agency, additional fees may be imposed. This could result in a larger total amount owed than the original disputed amount. SGT Auto Transport reserves the right to add a $200 fraudulent chargeback fee for any chargeback/credit card dispute submitted by the customer/card holder." This is valid for all and any chargeback cases. Once a chargeback is submitted, the case is taken to collections. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and for your dissatisfaction with the service. We appreciate your feedback and will use it to improve our processes. Sincerely,