Customer Service - The Name of the Game

Kim Smith Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 3/26/2008 11:05:00 AM
I had heard many stories on how transport companies are not to be trusted. They secure your business then don't deliver on their promises. I found the opposite to be the case with Red Carpet Auto Transport. Not only did they live up to EVERY commitment, they exceeded them. They were extremely courteous. I even spoke with the driver who provided periodic updates of his progress. He called me after the delivery to ask my opinion of the move.

If I ever find myself in a position where I need to move vehicles again I will not hesitate to use Red Carpet Auto Transport. I highly recommend them to anyone else who is in the market for vehicle transportation. Red Carpet Auto Transport obviously understands the importance of excellent customer service and the loyalty it brings.