Review for Kathy Ashlock, Magic Carpet

Sally Lee Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/12/2008 9:05:00 PM
Magic Carpet gave me the lowest bid to ship a vehicle from Hawaii to Utah. My contact was kathy Ashlock. she was great in returning all phone calls promptly, giving me quotes, instructions, emailing me, etc. she did her part very well. She had no control over the pick up time in the Northwest and how dirty the car got. I think she deserves an A-1 rating. she is an enthusiastic, positive worker who cheerfully convinced me that they were the best company and could get the job done well. I liked the way she presented the company and the service they could offer. I decided on using magic carpet because of her promptness and enthusiasm plus the low rate.

the car was delivered right to my daughter's dorm in Utah. Everyone had phone numbers to contact and made good contact all along, assuring us where the car was and when it would be delivered. I would highly recommend using Magic Carpet again.