Bait and Switch at it’s finest

Phil Submitted this review about Lynx Freight Inc
Review made Live: 8/5/2024 8:53:00 PM
BEWARE! I was initially quoted a price and put down a $200 deposit. Two days prior to pickup, I got a call from “Junior” claiming that he had 2 carriers each wanting $300 more than my contracted price. He said he was confident he could get one of them down to the agreed price. The following day he called back and said he could only get them down $100 and that it would cost an additional $200. I told him I had a contract and he said that amount was “pending driver availability”! At this point I had no choice but to pay the additional $200! The carrier was fine and actually got the car down earlier than expected. From reading other remarks it appears that $200 is the popular amount for increasing quote amounts. Stay Away!