
Thomas Submitted this review about Four Seasons Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/23/2011 12:34:00 AM
Four Seasons Auto Transport delivered my vehicle late at night (also two days late) because they said,"Their truck broke down", when in fact it was to hide the scratches down both sides and on the roof of the vehicle. When the car left it's place of origin it was nearly brand new...only three months off the lot. To give you a mental picture, the vehicle looked as if it had been driven through the woods on a narrow road with low hanging trees. The vehicle exterior was extremely dirty and the arm rest in the vehicle had dirt on it. A chunk of paint was knocked out the rear bumper. If you check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), this business is rated an "F". Not to broker (Autostar Transport) who is actually a BBB "B+" sold their rating to lure us in.