Harry Seebode Submitted this review about Dash Auto Movers Network Corp
Review made Live: 8/1/2007 11:48:00 AM
I contracted to have van moved from WI to OR and paid $199 via AMX for deposit. After 21 days it was obvious that they could not perform move. I requested refund of deposit and got run around. Telephone # is now not operable. AMX investigating. DO NOT USE

Company Response
Steven from Dash Auto Movers Network Corp Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/6/2007 4:11:00 PM
Harry, Unfortunately we were unable to transport your vehicle out of the Northern WI area. But by all means we didn't scam you we tried everything to move your vehicle. The refund was processed with in the time frame it takes to send out a refund which is 7-10 days after cancellation.