Scam Artist

Mike Submitted this review about Car On A Truck
Review made Live: 8/4/2007 10:56:00 PM
Just like everyone else, I to got took. I canceled my prder after 15 days due to my truck not being picked up. I was told it should be picked up in 2-8 days which was acceptable to me. This all started on 7-13-2007 and today is 8-4-2007. I have argued with them over emails but that is worthless. I was told that they were in good standings with the Arizona BBB, but it does'nt appear so. I am going to file a complaint with them on Monday about them. I was told that I did'nt wait 15 days to cancel so they were going to withhold $100.00 out of my $250.00 deposit because of that. I don't have any refund yet and it will be interesting to see if I do. I do have my truck scheduled now and the driver has already called and scheduled a p/u on Monday and will be delivered to me by Friday. Now that my friends is good service.