The driver was extremely unprofessional. On the pick up date, he asked me out on a date and to keep my phone number, which I promptly told him was unprofessional and should be against his companies policies. On the delivery date, he failed to show up, 3 times, on the agreed upon times he negotiated with my father (the person receiving my car). Instead of being honest with me about his being late, he contacted me to let me know that I would be charged an additional $100 due to my father being late and that he would have to take my car along with him to his other deliveries. After all was said and done and my dad having to read him the contact and threaten to involve the police, he realized he was in the wrong. But because of his being so unprofessional, he told my father that "I won't charge you the additional $100 because you're black". I seriously caution anyone using this company to ship their car.
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On Time
Destination State:
On Time
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