Submitted this review about Auto Cars Transportation Review made Live: 6/27/2011 11:01:00 PM
"Hi Brent, the bottom line is if you had booked with another broker you would have had the exact same result. We put it in writing, and you signed that you understood, that the car carrier can not legally or safely fit on every street and you may have to meet the driver. I think readers can tell from what you have written that you aren't pleased very often, no matter how hard someone tries."
No, Tom, the bottom line is that your company should have been straight forward from the get-go, like other companies were.
Saying you put "everything in writing" is misleading. That writing did not include that door-to-door might mean 30 minutes away. I don't think any reasonable person would conclude that driving 30 minutes away so that a carrier safely fit on a street is door-to-door service, or necessary.
I don't know how many readers would come to the conclusion that I'm hard to please because I don't like taking an hour out of my day (round-trip) for what is advertised as "door-to-door" service. You guys screwed up, and should have been straight forward right away. Just own up to it, and don't do it again.
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