9th time use Angels for transport of my personal High End cars

Vinny G Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 1/4/2025 4:07:00 PM
I've had nothing but a great experience with them. In fact I now have Dina and her crew on speed dial when it comes to shipping my cars! The communication is A++, I always know exactly what's going on when its going on, and they also communicate efficiently with the recipient of the vehicle on the other end so I don't have to. 8 of the 9 times I've used them was for closed transport of high end vehicles I own, all over $250,000 car value each. I just received a new Shelby F150 today from CA to NC via open transport and the experience was just as good. No damage, driver was on time, communication was on point. A+ experience! These guys will continue to be my go to for vehicle transport into the foreseeable future!