Great Moving Experience

Cyndi Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 9/27/2007 9:08:00 AM
This unplanned move was a result of our daughter's car suddenly broken in the middle of the desert. After weeks of almost daily calls and discussions with insurance companies, a Utah car dealership, our local mechanic, etc., it was eventually determined to bring the poor broken Volvo back to Michigan to be repaired. Never having moved a vehicle, let alone a non-driveable vehicle, we were a little lost as to the best way to do so. Like most of you reading these reviews, we went on line to learn what we could. Based on several factors (and after approx. 40 estimates), we chose Angels Moving Autos. What a great experience. From the very first email and all the way through the final follow up phone call, the staff was great XXXrespectful, understanding, reasurring and efficient. We were kept informed throughout the whole process. Angels Moving Autos contracted with Maple Tree Transport for the actual move. The logistics were coordinated between these companies and our driver and we were kept informed by all. We were given contact names and numbers for Angels, Maple Tree and our driver, Jamie. Angels worked quickly to get the transport scheduled, Eddie from Maple Tree was amazing in getting things coordinated for an early pick-up, Jamie was very accommodating with our schedule and took great care of the car. And then Angels followed up after the move to make sure everything was satisfactory from our perspective. Everyone was great, the actual cost was within the average range and the car arrived days earlier than originally expected. We highly recommend Angels Moving Autos and Maple Tree Transport!