At first Diane was nice as can be. Diane might of been having a few bad days or it was the wrong time of the month but she became very rude. Saying that I wasn't listening and treated me like a child. I told her the trucking company was not being truthful at all. They told me one thing and told her another. She blamed me for not listening and being disrespectful. I am the customer and Diane needs to learn to be more customer friendly. She finally came around after the truck not being picked up for several days. She finally agreed that we were not getting told the truth. Too bad she wasn't this way all along or I wouldn't have to come on here and right a bad comment. If you choose to use this company be scared if you hear that FROM HERE TO THERE is the trucking company. They had all kinds of excuses. From it was snowing in Denver. I guess they didn't realize the truck was in Denver and I knew that the sun was shining and they only had a couple inches of snow. That is nothing for Denver. It did make is here in good shape. Just a lot later than I was told. I had scheduled this 3 weeks in advance to the date. They had plenty of time to get a shipment.
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