im sure we all have fallen for the silver package. 695,00 deposit please. overnight if possible please. per. andy. sure enough i was baited. overnite fed ex 195.00 m/o. nov 4 2005. requested anytime after nov 12 2005 for pickup. lo and behold 2 weeks went by. i did a follow up and spoke with a lady. and gave her my order# and she told me that trucks dont really pickup in that part of pennselvania, shavertown pa. and for me to be a little patient.i asked her even if a work order has been written up, for my car. she said no. she then told me that she can upgrade me for an extra 300.00 i told her why would i do such a stupied thing like that for.if you already telling me trucks dont pickup in that part of pennselvania. real scammers. i complained to the and recieved a note from them and they will be inquiring on this company. i faxed a copy of the note to affiliated auto tranporters inc. and followed up several minutes later by calling the 888# and asked the lady if she recieved the fax.immediatly i was transferred over to a very very rude and disgruntled individual with a strong northan accent. im guessing bill evans. this guy told me to go F myself and i wasnt seeing a dime,then hung up . seems like this company prey on hard working individuals with there silver package. and do absolutly nothing untill you have to follow up .they certainly are nt going to call you.untill you do then there upgrade scam goes into effect. after i caught there game. i cancelled there services/scam and ofcoarse requested my refund back. yea right. this left a bad taste in my mouth with transporting company. i had no other choice but to fly to phili pa. to pickup my v.w. from houston tm. 1600 mls. met up with the ebay seller , and if i wasnt have enough bad breaks. the v.w. was running poorly stalling out every 8th of a miles 4 times..seriously.. since the previous owner of the v.w. had asked me to pickup the car as pa. was expecting snow soon. so sure enough i had to fly back to houston. no car .. back to stay away from these people.especially when you have a question to ask you will end up being verbally assaulted. customer service. ha ha ha .. pete houston
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