
Michelle Miller Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 4/17/2009 3:47:00 PM
First, George seemed nice enough. Promised a one on, one off policy that ensured our car would not be loaded, unloaded, multiple times. The price was great, the driver was early by a looked perfect. Then it went all downhill. The driver did not know how to start this 50 year old car. We showed him three times, but he asked us to drive it on the truck for him. His wife/female companion told me Mr Shannon, the driver, was 'scared of the car' as she handed me our bill of lading. We put it on the very bottom rack, as we do not like to put our cars on the top.
The owner of the car called us a day or so later and said the driver had just called him, telling him the car would not start. We called the driver, and he said that he had driven the car on and off the truck a few times, but now the car wouldn't start. We shot a note to George letting him know of the potential problem.
When the car arrived, it was out of gas, dirty, and damaged. The starter was dangling from the car. I sent a note to George asking him about how to start a claim, but got no resonse. The dispatcher, John, was extremely rude, insulting and verbally abusive (cursing, screaming, etc) to both the owner of the car as well as us. He called the car a go kart, said it was misrepresented, and when it was picked up was dirty and damaged. I pointed out that not only did the bill of lading filled out by the driver contradict that, but we had, at the new owners request, photographed the loading of the we had pictures showing EXACTLY what the condition of the car WHILE we were loading it.
I called AA Automovers back and got ahold of Jeneen. She was probably the only person who was helpful at all with this situation. She gave me all the insurance information for the carrier, the agents name, phone number, policy # etc and we were able to start the insurance claim proceedings then.
While we did ship another car via AAutomovers the day after this one was picked up and it seems to have gone well, I think we'll stick to our independent contractors. We will never do business with AA Automovers again.

Company Response
Mark from AA Auto & Home Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/17/2009 4:29:00 PM
We thank the customer for her compliment regarding our service. We are sorry that the 50-year old car to be shipped was not in good shape. The driver did call us to advise that when he tried to pick up the vehicle, there were starter problems (the seller’s mechanic was there and he advised the driver of this also). None of our employees would be abusive to a customer (screaming and cursing) nor are they expected to allow themselves to be screamed or cursed at. The driver manages to handle an 18-wheeler loaded with vehicles but Ms. Miller claims he was scared of a little sports car – don’t think so.