Great services...

Julio Pimentel Submitted this review about Montway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/12/2011 8:43:00 AM
Montway auto Transport was a great choise i did, they have a exelente price! lower and full of quality. My car get here safety, right on time and they call me cople of hours before they arrive.
they pick up my car right on the next day a booked with they and that was super nice. cople of days later the car was all ready here...Peter is a great guy and realhy helpfull always calm and get awser to all of my questions. 12657 was my traking number so every day you can check exacly were are your car.
I definely will use they services again and i all ready have 2 more cars in the way.
Thank you Julio Pimentel