What ever can go wrong, did go wrong

G. Valenti Submitted this review about Mercury Auto Transport
Review made Live: 11/15/2011 8:30:00 PM
First time in shipping a car like this. I was advised that my vehicle would be picked up on Nov 04. 2011. Never received notification that there was going to be a delay in pickup date. Contacted
driver directly and he wasnt aware of the scheduled pickup for friday and he said maybe on Monday. Monday came and left, I called driver again on Tues and he stated that he was picking
on Tues night. Vehicle was finally picked up on the night of Nov 8. 2011.

I call driver on Thursday night Nov 10 and driver informs me that he had some problems in Virginia with the weight of the tractor trailer exceeding the permissable weight limit. Tractor and trailer was inpounded by the state of Virginia over the weekend. Driver calls me Monday night
that he is back on the road again and that he expects to make delivery on Tues.

So with all of this happening we were forced to rent a car on a holiday weekend which became
very expensive. Signed agreement was that the vehicle was to be delivered on Nov 10 + / - 3 days. At the minimum I expected a discount from the carrier for this huge delay.

Driver gave me a $50.00 discount off the price I was to pay him. After this experience
I will drive the car myself.

Company Response
Matthew Sandomir from Mercury Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/18/2011 3:15:00 PM
Dear Mr.Valenti, We Have Rufunded Our broker fee back to you for your troubles ,and thank-you for working with us.Im very sorry for the late delivery . Sometimes delays do happen. Traffic, weather, and loading/unloading can be a major factor in when your vehicle is picked up and delivered. There is also the possibility for mechanical failure when dealing with Motor vehicles. Especially trucks that are traveling long distances on a regular basis. We share with all of our customers that there are no guarantees on pick-up or delivery dates. We wish Mr. Valenti only the best, and hope he would consider writing a review for the Carrier Paragon Van Lines Inc-FL only. They were the ones who physically transported this vehicle. Again we are sorry for any inconvenience you have incurred from the carrier that contracted your load. If we can be of any assistance please dont hesitate to contact us . Mercury auto transport Management