As good as it gets!

Marty E Submitted this review about Ironclad Auto Transport (NOT ACTIVE)
Review made Live: 3/29/2016 1:50:00 PM
"As good as it gets!" is an understatement when it comes to Wayne and Ironclad's service in the vehicle shipping world. Wayne is phenomenal! Let me say that again- just so we're clear- Wayne is absolutely phenomenal in his personalized service of getting your new car or truck on its way to you. His company is UNLIKE every other vehicle shipping company out there.

If you've ever shipped a car, then you know that entering your shipping info into one of those online quote generators is probably the wrong thing to do: Your phone and inbox will literally explode with offers from shipping brokers (aka sharks). I had no idea that this was how the vehicle shipping industry worked. It is FILLED with sharks. These people are relentless. And every single one of them will badmouth the other guy to no end. If you make a deal with one of them, the other sharks will tell you what a mistake you've made and that you should just kiss your money goodbye, your car will never be picked up for that price, yada yada yada. And they're probably right, knowing how these sharks operate. That's because these sharks take their commission UP FRONT- before they've even done anything for you. So what's the incentive then for them to actually schedule a driver and truck to go get your new car? None. They may post your vehicle on one of the industry shipping boards. But then again, maybe not. They also won't tell you exactly how it works and how to get a driver to actually pick up your new vehicle. (It doesn't work like you might think- or at least how I thought.)

Now Wayne and Ironclad. Wayne is the polar opposite of the sharks. I am so grateful that he and I got in touch. (It was almost by chance.) He did call me as I'd asked. And I almost dismissed his offer. But later he wrote a long, personalized email to me explaining how the industry really works. One thing that caught my eye was that he is a veteran. I am, too. And I know most vets are honorable, so I was willing to give him a chance. I am so glad I did. Wayne is the most honorable of people. Best yet, he takes his commission AFTER he's got everything arranged. So you know that he's working for you. He's working for his commission. He's not like all the other sharks who only care about the $- and kicking you to the curb after they get 'their" money. Wayne cares about serving you, doing his job, getting your new car or truck on its way to you. Once you are satisfied, then he asks for his commission. You won't find a better vehicle shipping broker than Wayne and Ironclad. As I wrote earlier, absolutely phenomenal.

Thank you for reading my review,