87 c-10

mike felty Submitted this review about First Class Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/19/2011 10:48:00 PM

I was please with the service of First Class transport .This is the first shipper that I have used that did not require a deposit so I must say I was a little sceptical. I have had bad exsperinces with shippers in the past . Josh sent me a quote that I thought was way low but I went with it. My truck was an internet purchess so the dates on the order for shipping was not set in stone .The truck was able to be picked up early so the cost was a little more than the origanal quote. It was no big deal for me to get my truck earler. The pick up date that we had agreed on was on a saterday but the truck didnt get picked up untill the fallowing Monday but the driver did work with the salers scedual so all worked out fine. The truck was deliverd to me on Thursday of the same week in witch it was picked up as he had said it would be. I had little troube understanding the driver but (didnt speek very good english) . I would use these guys agine .I will recomend to others hew are transporting .