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Prices to Move kia sorento From Fort Walton Beach, Florida to FORT RICHARDSON, Alaska

The average price to ship a kia sorento from Fort Walton Beach, Florida to FORT RICHARDSON, Alaska is $1967 based on 13 quotes posted on September 10, 2014.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$254.00 to $3560.00

Origin Location:
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Destination Location:
Approximately Miles

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There is a high probability that these responses that we received from these company's were miscalculated. We anticipate that the price will significantly change if you call for a quote. To keep this quoting system accurate we have automatically removed these quotes which mathematically appear to be inaccurate.
  • Motor Movers Auto Transport
    9/10/2014 9:20:13 PM
    Company Profile
    Price : $254.00
    Deposit: $0.00
    Reference ID: 1135673
    About This Quote
    Motor Movers commitment to you..... Empowerment through education - Honesty & Integrity - Motor Movers is strongly committed to empower our customers with knowledge of how the auto transport industry works. Other companies are simply order takers that leave you alone to navigate through the process. We assign a single point of contact to each customer that will explain how your quote was constructed, what to expect throughout the transport of your vehicle and how to make this experience stress free. NO payments up front - we work for free until your vehicle is picked up. An A rated by the Better Business Bureau. We are open 7 days a week and ready to take your call. Thank you for doing your research. Thank you and we look forward to earning your business. Sincerely, Jon Alguire- - Motor Movers Auto Transport