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Prices to Move hyundai elantra From ALBANY, New York to Monterey, California

The average price to ship a hyundai elantra from ALBANY, New York to Monterey, California is $1492 based on 18 quotes posted on July 4, 2014.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$998.00 to $1980.00

Origin Location:
ALBANY, New York
Destination Location:
Monterey, California
Approximately Miles

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There is a high probability that these responses that we received from these company's were miscalculated. We anticipate that the price will significantly change if you call for a quote. To keep this quoting system accurate we have automatically removed these quotes which mathematically appear to be inaccurate.
  • MJ Parker Trucking
    7/4/2014 10:40:02 AM
    Company Profile
    Price : $998.00
    Deposit: $0.00
    Reference ID: 81357
    About This Quote
    Thank you for considering Parker Trucking. _____________________________________________________ We are a FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS that believes in providing QUALITY Service not QUANTITY Service. If we can not get you on our truck, we will get you on with a driver that we work with. _____________________________________________________ Please do not hesitate to contact us at 480-426-9233 or _____________________________________________________ Visit our website at: _____________________________________________________ We are fully insured, licensed and bonded broker/carrier MC# 585017. _____________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: This is a computer generated estimate. Price may or may not vary. We are testing this program and do not have all exceptions entered.