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Prices to Move bmw 328i convertible From Herndon, Virginia to Los Gatos, California

The average price to ship a bmw 328i convertible from Herndon, Virginia to Los Gatos, California is $1363 based on 16 quotes posted on March 7, 2011.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$881.00 to $1800.00

Origin Location:
Herndon, Virginia
Destination Location:
Los Gatos, California
Approximately Miles

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  • Stateway Auto Transport
    3/7/2011 10:51:26 PM
    Company Profile
    Price : $881.00
    Deposit: $0.00
    Reference ID: 326137
    About This Quote
    Stateway Auto Transport is leading the industry in car shipping by providing you with fast, honest and reliable nationwide service. Unlike so many of our competitors, we are a fully insured, licensed and bonded broker/carrier (MC# 486421 USDOT# 1235288). This means that we own our own trucks and that we cut out the middleman for our customers. Why is this important? Being a carrier is crucial in getting the vehicle moved as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition, we provide every one of our customers with a unique Vehicle Tracking Service, which allows you to know the exact location of your car at any moment during transport absolutely free! Stateway Auto Transport has been a trustworthy name for many years and that is precisely why our mission is to accommodate every client with the best customer service from start to finish, treating every car as if it were our own. Call us anytime at 1.877.848.7474 and don't forget to visit us online at to see all of our many discounts!