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Prices to Move hyundai tiburon From Huntington Station, New York to Phoenix, Arizona

The average price to ship a hyundai tiburon from Huntington Station, New York to Phoenix, Arizona is $886 based on 13 quotes posted on July 29, 2010.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$100.00 to $1100.00

Origin Location:
Huntington Station, New York
Destination Location:
Phoenix, Arizona
Approximately 2486 Miles

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There is a high probability that these responses that we received from these company's were miscalculated. We anticipate that the price will significantly change if you call for a quote. To keep this quoting system accurate we have automatically removed these quotes which mathematically appear to be inaccurate.
  • AutoStar Transport Express
    8/3/2010 5:41:19 PM
    Company Profile
    Price : $100.00
    Deposit: $0.00
    Reference ID:
    About This Quote
    Due to the large quantity of requests from Transport Reviews, we ask that you contact our office with the details of your transport in order to receive an accurate quote, or visit us at Agents are here to assist you Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6 pm, Eastern standard time. We look forward to speaking with you! Best regards, AutoStar Transport & Logistics 888-802-8250 ext 2222 (New quote requests) Ext 2225 (Dispatch) Ext 2230 (Customer Service)