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Prices to Move chevy express 3500 From PENSACOLA, Florida to Seaside, California

The average price to ship a chevy express 3500 from PENSACOLA, Florida to Seaside, California is $1288 based on 12 quotes posted on October 27, 2010.

Number of Responses

Average Price
Price Range
$805.00 to $1650.00

Origin Location:
Destination Location:
Seaside, California
Approximately Miles

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  • IQ Transport
    10/27/2010 2:55:36 PM
    Company Profile
    Price : $805.00
    Deposit: $0.00
    Reference ID: 90210
    About This Quote
    Thank you for allowing us at IQ Transport the opportunity to earn your business. We are honored to be YOUR preferred transport company. We understand there are many choices out there and it can be confusing. But, know that when you choose IQ Transport you are making "THE SMARTEST CHOICE IN TRANSPORT". Our goal is your complete satisfaction. *************************************************************** We do not charge a deposit of any kind. NEVER pay a deposit to a transport company. Basically once your car is picked up you will be charged a dispatch fee to your credit card of $100-150 depending on the order and the balance will be paid in cash to the driver on delivery. *************************************************************** We have an A- rating with the BBB of Texas, which is the highest rating you can possibly receive. Feel free to check us out online at and on Facebook at *************************************************************** The best way to reach us is via email *************************************************************** Cars are typically picked up within 5 business days at the price quoted. Prices quoted can change if the information you entered is incorrect. *************************************************************** Place your order online: