This price is an estimate.
We do not charge any deposit until you are assigned a carrier.
Please take a moment to read our customer reviews.
To get an actual quote, please call
866-221-1664 or visit us at
Quotes processed on this site are ESTIMATES ONLY and intended to give you a rough idea of an average price to expect. While every effort is made to keep our automated quotes accurate, there will be occasional discrepancies. For a more accurate estimate, contact us at 866-440-2655 or click the link above to visit our website.
Many factors go into giving you an accurate quote.
The quote we give you here could even be too high, depending on your individual circumstances.
We are a 5-star carrier & broker, 7 years in a row. We used to be ranked #4 in the nation until paying customers to write reviews became the norm. However, we are still 1 of only a handful of companies with a 100% customer satisfaction rating -this is different than 5-stars -everyone of our customers who have written a review have been satisfied (no negative reviews). We have an A- rating with the BBB of Massachusetts (I have no idea why it's a minus as we have no complaints.)
Experience is the key to a successful move and the only one you’ll speak with regarding your transport needs is the owner, Eric Sailer. We usually can locate a carrier within just a few days of placing your order.
Our process is a simple one -we typically use small “mom & pop” carriers because they:
1. Maintain their equipment.
2. Move swiftly to their destination.
3. Value their customers and the brokers that pay them well.
Transport Tip #2:
The Motor Carrier number (MC #) is distributed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in sequential order. If the company you wish to do business with has an MC # greater than 600,000, they have probably been in business less than a year, or they have recently had their licensed revoked and have started a new business with an alternate name and/or owners. This business is highly cyclical and rates change week-to-week. Understanding the ebb and flow of transports is important and ensures a timely transport for your vehicle.
Transport Tip #42:
Please, do not ever pay a deposit!! You should always have the full details of the transport (carrier’s name, estimated date of pick-up and delivery, driver’s name & phone number, and the dispatcher’s name and phone number) prior to paying any sum of money.
Transport Tip #23:
It is less important what you pay and more important what the carrier gets paid. More money to the carriers will lead to a more timely transport by more professional companies. Ask your broker, what do you think the carrier will get paid to move my vehicle?
Call us @ 888.607.1999 Ext 1
More tips available on our website,
Here at Cascade Vehicle Shipping, we provide only the best service for our customers. Your quote includes door to door service, and insurance on your vehicle against theft or damage while it’s being transported. We do not charge you anything to place your order, and there are no cancellation fees. There is no deposit until your vehicle is picked up, so there’s no risk of losing your money! (In addition as a first time customer you are also eligible for a $50 rebate). We immediately start looking for carriers to pick up your vehicle once your order is placed, so call me today to get the process started!
Kimberly Freiley
Customer Service Representative
Cascade Vehicle Shipping
Hours 8:30-5:30 Monday Through Friday Pacific
360-834-7898 ext 235
There is a high probability that these responses that we received from these company's were miscalculated. We anticipate that the price will significantly change if you call for a quote. To keep this quoting system accurate we have automatically removed these quotes which mathematically appear to be inaccurate.