thieves and liers crooked

steve Submitted this review about Yellow Jacket Express
Review made Live: 6/25/2007 4:47:00 PM
yellow jacket express called me about an item my customer wanted delivered a jeep tub. they didn';t want to do a 400 mile round trip just to pick it up. so i offered to take it to them if they delivered a truck i sold online to new mexico for a good rate. they agreed. thru complications they met me half way and picked up the truck and jeep body. they said they were going to drive it to casa grande then transport it from there. a week later i get a call from my buyer saying that the truck is in impound just 50 miles from where i dropped it off. and that the shipper said it was a piece of crap not worth 500 bucks. come to find out he had it at his house and i didn't find this out or even here from him until i sent the cops over to investigate. then he calls making all these false claims. needless to say 3 months later i finaly get my truck back with no keys engine locked up solid stereo ripped out. and yellow jacket express denying they ever had anything to do with the deal. crooks. if you have problems file a complaint with fmcsa there carrier num is 1051254