Stuck me with a lemon - disappointing

Jim in Seattle Submitted this review about Wheeler Shipping
Review made Live: 9/11/2007 10:26:00 PM
I learned the hard way that if you are going to use a broker, you should ask if they have ever used the transporter they are setting you up with and what their experience has been. Wheeler stuck me with a real lemon and the experience was terrible. You might be better off on your own.

The transporter was Baron Logistics in New Jersey. First of all the driver got lost going to the pick up which was at the intersection of two major highways. Their truck was not in great shape, but it was our first time, and Wheeler had the these great ratings. They delivered our car in filthy condition with scratches and chips. They missed delivery dates, and we finally had to use Wheeler to get them to return our phone calls. At the other end, the delivery driver lied to my son about the acceptance process, and the company refused to fix the damages.

When I called Sue for her advice, she told me that she had never used the company before and that it was hard to find good companies to transport from Seattle to the east coast. She thought she'd try Barons. She promised to call them to resolve things, but I never heard back from Barons or her.

If I had known I was a guinea pig, I'd have used someone else or booked directly. I hoped all the gold stars on this site would mean something. It didn't. Sue seems very straight forward and decent on the phone, and if she had told us she was experimenting, I'd have given her high marks for honesty and candor. But she still stuck us with a lemon without telling us she was experimenting. Overall it was a very poor experience.

Company Response
Sue Wheeler from Wheeler Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/13/2007 10:14:00 AM
We are sorry that Mr. Stanton feels this way. We at Wheeler Shipping try very hard to Cross all t's and to Dot all i's. We try to help our customers to do the same. That is why we have item #6 in our contract with our customers. It informs them of their part to inspect the vehicle before signing the Bill of Lading. * Once that legal document has been signed indicating that the car has arrived in the same condition as it left in, there is no recourse available. If damage has occured during transport, it must be noted on the finale Bill of Lading before signing it. Our investigation of Baron's Transport showed that they are a reputable carrier. Their ratings are very good. * 6. All contracted Carriers are fully insured. In case of damage, all monies owed for the transport must be paid to initiate your claim. Damage must be noted in the proper place on the Bill of Lading (inspection report) and signed by the customer and driver, regardless of the time of day or the weather. Signing the inspection report without any notation of damage verifies that you the Customer or the person representing you at Delivery has received the vehicle in good order. This relieves Wilson Wheeler Shipping and the Carrier of any further responsibility. You or the person representing you must inspect your vehicle very carefully to protect your ability to file a claim should damage occur. Sue Wheeler