Frankly, I am disgussed with this business First I lowballed the initial quote and then after 30+days had to increase it TWICE just to ensure the pickup of the car. Every single time that I called and( there were MANY),I never got a straight answer or it went to Voice mail.I am on the West Coast and the contact company is in Arkansas. In order to help this deal fly, I agreed to meet the carrier in Everett wash.4+Hrs away!!!Stupid me. His Agent( ALEX)On the west coast not only gave me the WRONG delivery/pickup address) but NEVER called back.12 times in total!! I was waiting AT a Gas Station for 4HRS in the Hot sun with my Children.!!!His English is Horrible and contact went direct to Voicemail with no reply.I even texted ((911) to him with No response. Just a Fluke chance encounter with (Alex's) driver(Employee) Led me to my car(.Vlad??) is a Prince . I would NOT recomend Websters for the simple reason of poor customer service.The Pickup driver even had a yelling match with the previous owner. I wonder what excuses Websters will give or how they will "spin" the situation so that I look bad.?? Lets throw the big moniker of "Christian" company out there.I am Lutheran so I do know a thing or two..
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