Richard told me on Saturday they had thier own trucks running through the area all the time driver would call and pick jup Monday or Tuesday, Tueday afternoon called Richard and advised no driver has called yet. He told me he would call me back in an hour or 2. No call Wenesday left messages for Richard and dispatch that were not returned. Thursday morning called again Richard states I should call him at 1PM and he would call me back within minutes if he did not answer alled at 2 no return call at 3 PM called dispatch as he did dnot answer and cancelled my order . Richard NEVER once apologized dfor not returning my calls over the prior 2 days. The dispatcher was sorry thet my calls were enot returned while I was cancelling my oder with them. Was very clear with Richard I am fine with a delay in pickup as long as I am informed as to what was happening but he never did contact me or have reasons for his delays. VERY DISAPOINTED in the customer service from this company. I have selected a new carrier to transport my 2 vehicles.
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