Ultimate Logistics

Jamie Kitman Submitted this review about Ultimate Logistics
Review made Live: 2/13/2007 4:48:00 PM
i paid these guys a $200 deposit to have a car shipped from Reno NV to White PLains NY. they insisted i paypal right away as a truck would be there almost immediately. to make a very long story short, the car had still not been picked up after more than six weeks. each day brought another excuse (broken truck, no one stops in reno, i wasn't paying enough to interest their truckers because of high gas prices). they got me to agree to pay a surcharge for someone to flatbed the truck to las vegas to meet another truck there. but the flatbed never showed up. i asked them for a refund, they said e-mail them and they would send it. they never did. i e-mailed many times and called a dozen. they started hanging up on me. i filed a complaint with the local better business bureau who said they were told i had a contract that said i was not entitled to my deposit back. but there was no contract and no language that said this -- i am a lawyer and ought to know. i filed a complaint w/ the DOT. they said the company would get back to me. they did not. i called them again today -- seven months after i paid my deposit -- and they did not return my calls. i called again and was given a cell # for their manager. he told me i should call him again tomorrow. we'll see what happens. in any event, in 20 years of collecting and shipping old cars, i've never run across a worse service. if they don't refund my money, i will take them to small claims court, even though it's not really worth the trouble. their hubris demands nothing less.