
James Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 8/16/2010 11:00:00 PM
The process was pretty straightforward: called a number, talked to Bill who has his own connections to truckers. The cost of the transport was $800, but the fee for the referral was $180 due upfront. Figuring I was Korean, he got me in contact with a Korean transport company. Now, I am Korean, but I've generally had bad experiences with the quality of work by my fellow Koreans in different service industries. For this experience, the driver who I met at pick-up was nice and friendly. The delivery had already surpassed the expected date by a couple of days, and though this was a bit frustrating as I had freed up my schedule for that day but considering that there was a holiday in the middle, I guess I can forgive this.

If you're going with this service, just keep in mind that they do not take personal checks. I didn't recall this particular detail being relayed to me and sort of panicked as it was a Sunday and I wasn't sure where I can go about purchasing a money order or a convenient ATM location. It ended up that I asked a friend on the way to church to drop me off at the delivery point in a Walmart parking lot (These trucks are large and couldn't fit in the narrow streets of the city). It sort of worked out since Walmart also issues money orders, which worked out perfectly.