A1A to my rescue!!!

Pamela Submitted this review about Total Car Shipping
Review made Live: 10/26/2013 11:07:00 PM
My son recently graduated from Basic Training, he is now a Airman stationed at Hill AFB in Utah.
We are from Delaware, so we were faced with the dilema of transporting his brand new Honda Civic. I researched for weeks finally settling on a company who supposedly was highly recommended online. I called and they took my credit card number. ( Mean while my son is across the country with no transportation.) I waited over a week not hearing anything, NO contact whatsoeverUNLESS I INITIATED... until... I got a email from A1A Express Auto Transport stating I should call them if I was left waiting on another company.. I called the # in the email and spoke to Mark. Mark was my angel. I told him my situation with the other company and BY LATER THAT DAY Mark had a company for me ready to deliver my sons car.A good professional,reliable company(price reliable) who delivered my sons in same condition right to his base. (I actually even met the owner) Mark would also would call me before the car was delivered and after to check on the progress. A weight lifted off my shoulders!!! I told Mark I wanted to write this review, because if you were like me and dont know what company to trust- I can vouch for Mark and A1A Express.