Total Auto Transport Corp - Max Banks

Ben Submitted this review about Total Auto Transport Corp.
Review made Live: 8/23/2012 11:39:00 AM
This was the first time that I had bought a vehicle on the internet that would require transportation to receive delivery. I had seriously considered using the recommended internet companies recommended transportation companies, but I found there cost estimates and quotations high. I made the decision to do complete a comparative analysis of transportation companies. My research led me to TATC and Max Banks. Max was a relatively new employee, but was very eager to meet my requirements and provide the answers to my many questions regarding their company, their policies/procedures, their status as a certified broker etc. I found that everyone I spoke with to be upfront, courteous and focused on ensuring I had a good experience. Max was originally able to locate an enclosed transport provider for $300, but unfortunately their other loads did not materialize. We went to a plan B which resulted in an additional $100 charge to utilize a new carrier. This turned out to be a great transporter and worth the uplifted charge. The transportation driver was able to pick-up the vehicle at origination and deliver the vehicle to my driveway in less than 15 hours after securing order and withn the approximate times that had been established. Great experience overall and would recommend TATC, Max Banks and team.