7239 Lonzo St.
Los Angeles CA, 91042
We think the greatest price determiner for auto transport is the company you hire to truck your car.
The price also depends on a few factors such as transportation time, pick up window, car condition, etc.
Usually, the price might get lower if the customer can
Make sure the car runs and drives
As one may imagine, shipping a car that runs is way cheaper. So if there are any minor issues that can be easily solved, make sure to fix them and you will get a rather affordable option for shipping.
The drivers usually prefer pick-ups from bigger cities that are close to the highways. If there is a need to go to the countryside, the driver might charge a lot more. Having the car picked up at a nearby hot spot is relatively affordable.
Remember: The most significant factor is what company you choose to ship your car with.
Kindest Regards
Tempus Logix Vehicle transportation
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