Excellent Service

Q_ND Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 8/23/2006 3:33:00 PM
I called in to get a quote for ship my little Tercel on Tuesday. Natasha gave me the price and I asked how long the pickup date may take. She told me 1-10 days. Then I placed order at 6pm to state my car is ready on Friday. Half hour later, the customer service called me to verify all the information I submitted. Then, the gentleman told me they would assign a contractor to transport my car. Also told me if I don't get any call from the contractor till next Tuesday, give him a call. On Friday, Deniseah called and told me the contractor's company and the driver would contact me on Monday. It's so efficient.

On Monday, the driver called to the office number at around 7:50am and leave a message to my wife. But he was stuck by unloading a car at a near town since the car owner wasn't able to reach. The driver finally contacted my wife again near 5pm and picked up our car at a big parking lot. The driver call me at 11am on Tuesday before he arrived the destination. My car was delverered on Tuesday noon. The driver even helped me drive my car from a nearby shopping mall to my apartment since the big trailer couldn't go into the resident area, and I can't drive two cars only myself. :-)

I would recommend the Specialty Mobile Systems for their excellent service. I got my car in one day. Great communications, great assignment, and great customer service.