Read the reviews & go with Specialty

John Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 9/12/2007 10:01:00 PM
I was skeptical about shipping my newly purchased classic 1967 GTO from Oklahoma to Connecticut but Specialty took care of it with no issues. The door to door service was great and the driver was friendly and efficient. He had the car with him for the whole trip, only had to unload it once during transit. I went with the open carrier and when the truck arrived my car was on top. The driver very carefully unloaded it as if it were one of his own. It was a little dirty but none the less for the ware, a quick wash and it was good as new. I would definitely use Speciatly again even thought they're prices are a little higher than some of the other companies. I originally was going to go with DAS which was recommended by Ebay but once I found this website I quickly changed my mind!