Exceptional Service

Bob Ratner Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 9/5/2007 4:36:00 PM
When I put out a request for bids on the internet to move our car from Irvine, CA to Asheville, NC I was surprised to receive back over 30 bids. Every single one of them was lower than the one that I received from this company. I went to this site to try to figure out why theirs was so much higher. I read review after review and discovered that Specialty charges a premium to insure that your car gets picked up on time, is actually picked up, is carrried where it is supposed to go without getting damaged, and then delivers it on time. I had to make sure that all would go well in this shipment and so I stepped up and paid a lot more for the move. I called and spoke with Dee in the Finance office and was delighted with her honest and personable approach. She was clear about the necessity for a 10 day window and I thought I was being easy by giving her specific dates at pickup and openendedness on delivery. We fixed dates around the limited pickup window of time and all was settled. Until I realized that there might turn out to be a conflict on the delivery end. I threw an unexpected curve and Dee and her company handled it. So the broker reviewed here gets 5 stars from our point of view. The hauler [Pioneer Auto Express] was also good and we were pleased to have the delivery early, a good 4 days early. The driver kept in good contact with me, though I had difficulty understanding him because of a very thick accent. This did not matter as he delivered the car in excellent condition. I suppose if price is the only important factor, you will miss out on this great company offering superior service. We paid more and we got a lot more.