Extornation and Scammers don't User this company

Tonya Bowens Submitted this review about Smart carship llc
Review made Live: 8/23/2024 12:11:00 PM
I have a complaint of extortion from this company (what I feel is extortion). On August 2, 2024 I signed a contract with Smart Car Ship LLC, speaking with Victor. I was quoted a total of $305, with a $100 due to make the reservation and $205 due upon delivery. Pick up was scheduled for August 10, 2024. The first pick up didn’t happen, we had a storm in Savannah, he couldn’t get anyone to do the dispatch, understandable. Today August 17, 2024, someone was dispatched to pick up the car showed up around 11:00 am without us having a time for picking up. My husband and the driver got the car loaded and he got on the road. An hour later Victor calls, he didn’t know the car had been picked up and the price was different. Now it was $450 with me owning $350 at drop off. I said no, this isn’t what we agreed to we go back and forth. I told him I’ll have the police and the contract at the house when the car arrives, Victor tells me if I don’t pay, I will not see my car. At this point I get off the call. He texts me to say pay $300 when the car arrives, say yes. The price changing after my car has left my possession feels like I was blackmailed or extorted for more money today.