Great move

Michael Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 7/10/2013 2:20:00 AM
I recently needed to move my vehicle from Illinois to California. I was inundated initially with multiple quotes for the move from many different companies. Initially, my goal was to save money so I focused on those companies with the cheapest quotes...not a good idea. Those that quoted ridiculously low prices than others usually had terrible to average reviews. Researching further, some of these companies would employ a "bait and switch" tactic, quoting a low price to get you to pay a deposit and then not following through with the promised pick up date, intead requiring that you pay MORE money so that they can find a carrier to actually move your car! So I changed my approach and simply went to transport reviews to find the highest rated companies. The highest one was Safe-Direct, so I went with them.

It was a great experience from the start. I interfaced with Tom who was very professional, straightforward and honest in explaining the process of shipping my car. He didn't make any outlandish promises and instead gave me realistic estimates in regards to how much I would need to pay and how likely it would be that I could have my vehicle moved for that price during the desired dates. After paying my deposit for the move, everything went smoothly. It was picked up on the day I wanted and shipped without issue to the desired location, and much faster than anticipated as well! Comparing this move to another in which I had shipped my car from California to Illinois, I would say it was exponentially better. The first time, like I almost did once again this recent time, I just went with the cheapest company without much research and although the vehicle was picked up without issue, it was a headache to accept delivery of it in Illinois. The driver would call the day before or the day of when he'd be able to drop it off but if I missed the call even by seconds, I was then unable to reach him until the following day when he was already out of the area and unable to deliver until the next day or the day after. This happened multiple times and delayed delivery by 4-5 days. The whole point of this story is that communication is essential and through Safe Direct, I had NO such issues with Tom or his carrier. This is a sign of a well run company indeed. I highly recommend this company to anyone looking for no hassle and uncomplicated shipping of their vehicle.

Company Response
Michael Strickland from Ship a Car Direct Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/10/2013 6:54:00 PM
Thanks for your amazing review, Michael! You bring up some fantastic points, especially about pricing. A customer's best bet for a smooth transport includes a fair offer.