Oste Submitted this review about Rush Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 6/10/2010 1:25:00 PM
I have to say being from NY I DON'T trust anybody. I have heard and read and personally been through nightmares transporting cars across the country. LIN with Rush was up front and very responsive returning my calls and getting me a excellent price on moving a car I bought on EBAY in AZ and delivering it to CT. I recd courtesy calls from the dispatcher when my car was picked up. I had a follow-up call 2 days later advising when the driver would be delivering the car. I was and am blown away by how quickly the car was delivered. The initially advised me it could take up to 10 days for the car to get out here. When I was told it would be here in 6days ...WOW...the driver called me twice and advised me where he was and when he would be here...and get this he told me he would be there at 9 am and he actually showed up at 8:30 am earlier than he said. JUST A GREAT EXPERIENCE AND I WOULD USE AGAIN AND RECOMMEND ....and no I don't work for them or am I related to them and I AM NOT GETTING PAID TO WRITE THIS...just a super great job ...THANK YOU GUYS